AEW Rampage Results (01/13)

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AEW Rampage Results (01/13)

#AEW Rampage Results (01/13)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Jay and Tay head to the ring, but are attacked by Soho and Nightingale on the ramp. Nightingale delivers a big boot to Jay before Soho tells her to "get the tables." Jay levels Soho and pushes her down the ramp as Nightingale sends Melo into the barricade. Jay sends Soho into the ring apron, then tosses her into the ring post. She sends her head bouncing off the timekeeper's table as Nightingale and Melo teeter on the middle rope. Jay sends Soho in the ring steps, then tosses a garbage can over her head. Melo delivers a double stomp off the apron, and Soho begins to bleed.

Jay and Melo begin tossing chairs in the ring and set up a row of them facing one another. They sit Soho and Nightingale in them and take the corresponding seats across from them. The four women begin exchanging forearms before Melo delivers a superkick to Soho. She then sends her to the outside and joins Jay in beating down Nightingale. Soho fights back and begins hitting Melo with forearms as Nightingale repeatedly hits Jay with a garbage can lid on the outside. Melo hits Nightingale with a kendo stick, then delivers a superkick. She gets her back in the ring as Jay tosses a garbage can inside, and Jay plants her with a Gory Bomb on top of the garbage can.

Melo grabs some barbed wire from under the ring and passes it to Jay. Jay puts it on her forearm, then locks in the Queenslayer. Nightingale backs her into the corner as Soho ascends to the middle rope and rains down right hand with a chain wrapped around her fist. Melo hits her with a garbage can lid, then meets Soho on the ropes. Jay climbs up to where Melo is, but Nightingale pulls all three women down onto chairs. She tosses Jay across the ring, then sets her up in the corner and places a garbage can on top of her. Melo hits her with a chair, then fires off several forearms. Nightingale delivers a spinebuster, then hits a senton to Jay. She pins Jay, but Jay kicks out.

Nightingale delivers a Death Valley Driver to Jay on the apron, then looks for the Doctor Bomb on the floor. Melo hits her with a garbage can lid, but Soho takes her out with No Future. She drags a table close to the apron as Jay and Nightingale fight up the ramp. Nightingale powerbombs Jay through a table off the stage as Soho and Melo fight on the apron near the table previously set up. Melo hits a piledriver through the table, then gets Soho in the ring. She goes for a pin, but Soho kicks out. Melo grabs a bag of thumbtacks from under the ring and dumps them out. She looks to deliver a piledriver to Soho through the tacks as Soho gushes blood from her face, but Soho blocks it. She tosses a handful of tacks through Melo's face, then delivers Destination Unknown through the tacks for the win.

Winners: Ruby Soho and Willow Nightingale

After the match, Soho fist bumps Nightingale as a sign of respect.




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